
  • Within three months of approval, a comprehensive report detailing the 2024 Bond objectives, investment categories, prioritization criteria, accountability measures, and commitments will be published.
  • The Board of Education (BOE) will provide quarterly reports, and members will receive annual workshops on the program's status and finances. The BOE can then ensure the bond implementation aligns with the 2023 Facilities Master Plan (FMP).
  • California law requires oversight of public school bonds which led to the creation of the SFUSD Bond Program Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). The CBOC will produce a quarterly report on the bond’s progress, expenditures, audits and other financial reports. 
  • As the CA Education Code mandates, an independent auditor will complete annual financial and performance audits. A yearly bond staff financial report summarizing bond expenditures and investments for the preceding fiscal year will coincide with this.